Posted in Homeschooling

Homeschoolers Do Europe – Rome

So much to see and do in Rome, but today we did the Pantheon, the Trevi Fountain, the Colosseum, Palatine Hill and the Roman Forum. We got a guided tour and it was fantastic. The tour guide is an architect from Italy so he knew much about the actual building of these ancient wonders. However, all I could think about and point out to the kids was, “Do you remember making the Roman arches out of jello boxes?”. They liked the reminder the first time, but by the 5th Roman arch, they were over it.

The Pantheon – that’s original, perfectly proportioned concrete from 2000 years ago. Amazing!

The Trevi Fountain – Beautiful!

The Colosseum

See the arches? It would take a lot of jello boxes for that arch. (MFW RTR)

My husband, Scott, is a huge nerd, I mean fan, of Rome so he was incredibly thrilled.

Did you know that the laurel wreaths worn by Caesar and given out at the original Olympics were bay leaves? There’s entire groves of laurel (also known as Bay) in the Roman Forum.

They are excavating under the Colosseum and saving the underground portion which held the animals and criminals waiting to be executed. They estimate that there was over 66 elevators that created trap doors in the floor to surprise those fighting.

All in all, an amazing day!